MARKET 200913.-15.2.2009, Konstakademien, Tukholma / osasto 23

100 x 155 cm
editio 7
Galleria Heino esittelee seuraavan taiteilijan teoksia:
Miklos Gaál´s newest photographic series ‘Coastline´ (2007), presented for the first time at MARKET Art Fair 2009, is a continuation of his body of work studying large overviews. The work depicts a landscape-sequence that is presented in a series of four photographs. The broader body of work, that he has been working on-and-off for almost ten years now, is applying landscape photography with large format camera´s focusing and perspective possibilities.
The usage of these special adaptations of photographic techniques is meant to provide a way of looking beyond the capabilities our immediate senses. Distance and the explicit partial blurred focus are means of distancing that alters our perceptions of the depicted motifs. The body of work compiles an extensive collection reinterpreting everyday scenery and motifs.
Rauli Heino