KARITA KIVIKOSKI-VEIJALAINENPaintings 11.9.2003 – 28.9.2003

Alive, 2003
oil on canvas
140 x 190 cm

My paintings are based on everyday conversation. I converse with myself while I paint. My subconscious asks to speak via my hand and my eyes comment on what it says. I find themes from phenomena and things which happen to me or to other people. Various feelings and experiences have provoked a desire to think and converse.

A thought matures in my mind. Usually this thought is mixed with an interesting shape or, at times, a concrete observation, which enables me to begin conversation, i.e. painting. As the work progresses, the conversation changes direction, gains depth and gets clearer. The actual end result is often a surprise to me too. As I concentrate on a painting in progress, I do not yet know what themes the future will bring. I advance like making entries in a diary, and there has been plenty to think about. As I look back, I see the arc my works create, giving the impression of a more extensive thematic line although I have not consciously followed one.

My works continue to converse with the viewer in the exhibition space. I consider painting to be rewarding if it creates conversation and thought, even potentially contradicting viewpoints to my own. Art can never be misunderstood. Everyone should view art through their own experiences and allow themselves the opportunity to take part in the conversation.

Karita Kivikoski-Veijalainen

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2005/ei_vaaraa

    No danger, 2003
    öljy kankaalle
    220 x 130 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2005/nakyvissa

    Visible, 2003
    oil on canvas
    195 x 140 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2005/elossa

    Alive, 2003
    oil on canvas
    140 x 190 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2005/elintila

    Living space, 2003
    oil on canvas
    185 x 280 cm
