MARKUS RISSANENStemnotes 28.1.2005 – 13.2.2005

acrylic on canvas
160 x 140 cm
It´s not that easy to tell about the bases of my recent work. Not just because the objects appearing in the subject matter in my works are increasingly shifting outside our actual, immediately discernible everyday world of experience, but also because human knowledge is still currently not even fully capable of understanding the character, limits or function of these complex areas.
For example, my works deal with systems found in natural science. Systems whose structures have, in one way or another, been created through some kind of self organisation. What is so fascinating about these complex systems is that their inner character is also inevitably depicted in their external structure. It´s as if the system structure forms a map of its own function.
My paintings are a kind of study made through artistic means. The
motifs are either based directly on elements in the natural environment
surrounding us or in the structures of abstract information diagrams used by
the scientific disciplines investigating these elements.
Markus Rissanen