IC-98Navigating the Tides of Time 25.5.2013 – 20.6.2013
The works in the exhibition, Arkhipelagos and The Island of Atlas, build on the themes of our animated film A View from the Other Side (2011) and the sculptural real-time video installation Oikoumene (2012).
In Arkhipelagos, the ruins of the riverside portico depicted in the work A View from the Other Side have been washed away from the even flow of history. What remains are open water and rafts built from the debris of the ruins which navigate the treacherous tides of the new Okeanos.
The Island of Atlas echoes Oikoumene. The steel walls of a fortress in the middle of the sea gaze at their own reflection in the future: one city protected by grease descends into the depths, another ascends on the other side, badly corroded.
IC-98 (Patrik Söderlund & Visa Suonpää)
IC-98 (founded in 1998) is Patrik Söderlund and Visa Suonpää. IC-98 is interested in events that did not take place, fantastic connections between things, heresies and pure systems of thought, the presence of history in everyday life, the body politic, social formations and architectural constructions, control mechanisms and techniques for escaping from them.
Recently, IC-98 has concentrated on artist publications, installations and especially animated films, which combine classical draughtsmanship and digital effects. Often these media are merged to produce thematic chains or context-specific sculptural installations. IC-98 received the State Award for Visual Arts in 2010.
At the opening of the exhibition on 24 May,
the band SINK will dive into the world of ambient and drone and perform live
the sound waves they created for the film Arkhipelagos.
SINK has stirred music circles for ten years already. The band´s sound lies somewhere
in the uncharted territory between black metal, dark ambient and harsh drone.
Their early nihilistic sound barrier has become more sophisticated psychedelic
sound art.
A View from the Other Side can be seen in the Saastamoinen Foundation´s collection exhibition Events in nature at EMMA − Espoo Museum of Modern Art. Oikoumene and Arkhipelagos are part of the retrospective exhibition Abendland, which will be on display at Turku Art Museum between 4 October 2013 and 5 January 2014.