KARITA KIVIKOSKI-VEIJALAINENPaintings 4.6.2011 – 23.6.2011

Conversations, 2010
oil on canvas
130 x 100 cm

Women gather together in open and exposed, discussing life in the here and now. Each as her own individual self. One has a lot to say, another is present only as a listener. There is no pressure to open up or keep a secret. Perhaps the discussion gives them the strength to address other issues or gain a new perspective on life.

The starting point for my paintings of the human body are my old croquis drawings created in 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The perception, mind and stylus work fast. Once the sketch has been made, it is no longer touched after the event. Based on these rapid sketches I have outlined and painted groups, topics and discussions.

Sometimes I take a break during my work and shift to another subject, Medinilla flowers. The fascinating shape of the flower and the way it grows creates an interesting object for observation. At the same time the discussions have continued, but the topic has changed. The colours and moods of both topics are born spontaneously as I paint. I participate in the discussion as I paint and get to have my say.

Karita Kivikoski-Veijalainen

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2011/karitaKivikoskiVeijalainen_Heino-16146

    Do you want?, 2009
    oil on canvas
    140 x 80 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2011/karitaKivikoskiVeijalainen_Heino-16151

    Do you want?, 2009
    oil on canvas
    140 x 80 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2011/karitaKivikoskiVeijalainen_Heino-16161

    Conversations, 2011
    oil on canvas
    130 x 100 cm

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    Conversations, 2010
    oil on canvas
    130 x 100 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2011/karitaKivikoskiVeijalainen_Heino-16153

    Conversation I, 2010
    oil on canvas
    100 x 130 cm

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    Conversation II, 2010
    oil on canvas
    100 x 130 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2011/KARITA_KIVIKOSKI_VEIJALAINEN_KESKUSTELU_2011-2

    Conversation, 2011
    oil on canvas
    130 x 180 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2011/KARITA_KIVIKOSKI_VEIJALAINEN_KESKUSTELU_2011

    Conversation, 2011
    oli on canvas
    130 x 180 cm


    Women's meeting I, 2011
    oil on canvas
    130 x 180 cm

  • kivikoski-veijalainen/2011/KARITA_KIVIKOSKI_VEIJALAINEN_NAISTENKOKOUS_I_2011

    Women's meeting II, 2011
    oil on canvas
    130 x 180 cm
